GA4 – Migration and Setup

Everything you need to know about Google Analytics GA4 migration and configuration before the July deadline.

What is GA4?

GA4 is officially replacing the Universal Analytics property (UA) and access to UA will be turned off in January 2024.

  • GA4 combines data from websites, apps and single-page applications into one platform for complete reporting.
  • Moving towards user-based reporting.
  • Provides a privacy-safe way of tracking through machine learning.
  • In order to ensure no missing data for YOY reporting, get your GA4 property up and running before July 1 2022.

How to get GA4 set up and collecting data before 01/07/22?

It’s very simple, create a GA4 property, configure your requirements and get it integrated into your website so that data is being collected. You can do the complete migration over the coming months as you get to grips with GA4.

How to integrate GA4 into your website?

This option can be easy, moderate or hard depending on which platform you are on. Essentially the whole GA4 migration is a 2 part process.

Part 1 – Migrate the UA property configuration to GA4 and create data layers.

Part 2 – Implement those data layers into your website. This can be done through the Google Tag Manager, plugins or custom code.

If you are on Shopify …

Shopify is one of the most complicated platforms to get GA4 integrated into since there is no option to implement data layers directly through Shopify admin. There are 3 options at your disposal:

Option 1 – Implement data layers through an app such as Elevar. Once you have created your data layers, download the Elevar app, pay the monthly subscription and get started. Simple, easy and best for smaller stores.

Option 2 – Use an app such as Littledata. This app seamlessly connects your Shopify store to your GA4 property allowing for complete data transfer. The cost of this app starts at $99 per month. Ideal for medium to large stores.

Option 3 – Custom code base integration. For larger, Shopify stores that have complex tracking and reporting, the only option is to go custom. This will allow you to implement your data layer right into the code of your theme and ensure that the data is accurate and there are no breakages as and when you make changes to your store in the future. This option has a one-off cost and no monthly fees. You will need a development team such as ourselves to implement this. FYI we charge £40 / hour and we can usually have you completely up and running on GA4 in around 20 hours.

While you’re at it

This migration gives you the perfect opportunity to audit your current Google Analytics setup and make sure you’re not missing out on valuable consumer data.

We can help you audit, migrate and implement GA4 into your website, you can book a call here and discuss further.